Bernardino OEHS home page

Workplace health & safety


We help you mitigate workplace health and safety risks to protect worker wellbeing, increase productivity, and ensure regulatory compliance.

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A healthy workforce is a productive workforce

Having a strong safety culture and comprehensive industrial hygiene programs are not just good for you bottom line, they give you peace of mind. Our team of industrial hygienists is ready to help you mitigate risks and protect your workforce.

Workplace Hazard Recognition

Prevention is the key to a safe and healthy workplace. We identify potential risks before they can affect your workplace and workforce.

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Noise Exposure Monitoring

Noise Induced Hearing Loss is the #1 reported work-related illness. Ensure regulatory compliance through monitoring.

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Chemical Exposure Monitoring

Not all hazards are visible to the naked eye! Air monitoring gives you the insight you need to limit worker exposure.

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Heat Stress Asessment

As average temperatures increase globally, protecting workers from heat strain has become more important than ever. We'll make sure your workforce is ready.

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Vibration Exposure Assessment

Vibration exposure is one of the causes of work-related muscoloskeletal disorders. We'll help you prevent injuries by identifying the sources of hazardous vibrations and implementing the appropriate controls.

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Indoor Air Quality Assessment

IAQ can have a strong impact on performance, focus, and well-being. Ensure your building is comfortable and healthy with an evaluation.

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Bilingual OEHS Compliance Training

Fulfill regulatory training requirements with effective health and safety courses, offered both in English and Spanish.

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OEHS compliance in Latin America

Navigating labor and environmental laws in Latin America? With our 20+ years of experience in the region, we can guide you in the right direction.

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Not sure where to start?

We've got you covered.

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Industries we serve

Automotive and Autoparts

Metalworking & Metal Products

Chemical & Plastic Products

Industrial Equipment

Pharmaceutical & Medicine

Distribution & Transportation

Oil & Gas Extraction

Facility Management

Comprehensive Services

for facilities of all sizes.

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