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OEHS Compliance


Navigating labor and environmental laws in Latin America? With our 25+ years of experience in the region, we can guide you in the right direction.

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No matter where you are, a healthy workforce is a productive workforce.

It's not easy to balance the needs of multiple facilities in different countries and stay compliant. Our team of experts has years of experience in the OEHS fields in Latin America and is well versed in international standards and regulatory requirements. Whether you need a quick overview of local labor and environmental laws, or are looking for a team of experienced professionals to coordinate a project from hazard recognition to sampling to control implementation, we've got you covered.

Having comprehensive industrial hygiene programs and a strong safety culture are not just good for your bottom line, they give you peace of mind. Our team of industrial hygienists is ready to help you mitigate risks and create a strong, healthy and productive workplace.

Overview of Local Labor and Environmental Laws

We'll help you understand the extent of your responsabilities as a consultant or an employer in Latin America according to local laws and international treaties such as the USMCA. Whether you're planning a sampling event or you want to know if your IH program meets local standards, we've got your back.

Coordinate Local OEHS Evaluations

Navigating local standards is a complex task. Our team of experts has the experience to make it a breeze. We'll help you coordinate local laboratories and consultants to make sure you have exactly what you need to keep your workforce safe, healthy, and productive.

Bilingual OEHS Compliance Training

Fulfill national and international regulatory training requirements with effective health and safety courses, offered both in English and Spanish. We specially tailor all our training programs to cover all local regulatory requirements, no matter where you need us to be.

Ready to get started?

We're here to help.

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